Kristen Gaddis

Stefan Borchardt
Titolo: Medico veterinario Professione: Ricercatore presso il dipartimento di medicina veterinaria alla Freie Universität Berlin
Rita Couto Serrenho
Titolo: PhD Professione: Postdoctoral Researcher at Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph I am finishing my role as a postdoc at the Univ of Guelph. At the time of the conference, I will be working as a dairy consultant with Dairy Health & Management...
Luciano Caixeta
Titolo: PhD Professione: Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM) I grew up in a family of bovine practitioners in Brazil. After being awarded a DVM degree from my hometown veterinary school in Brazil, I moved to the United States to...